Getting Started
Minimum version: >=21.0.0
To install the CLI, run:
- npm
- pnpm
- yarn
npm install @declo/cli --save-dev
pnpm add -ED @declo/cli
yarn add @declo/cli --dev
Running declo config locally
After installing the cli locally in the project, the dev server can be started by the following command:
- npm
- pnpm
- yarn
npm run declo dev <CONFIG_FILE>
pnpm run declo dev <CONFIG_FILE>
yarn run declo dev <CONFIG_FILE>
Deploying declo config to edge network
To deploy a config to the declo edge network a declo account is required. After registering an account the CLI can be authenticated by running the following command:
- npm
- pnpm
- yarn
npm run declo signin
pnpm run declo signin
yarn run declo signin
The config can be deployed to our extensive edge network by running the following command:
- npm
- pnpm
- yarn
npm run declo dev <CONFIG_FILE> --target=<TARGET_NAME>
pnpm run declo dev <CONFIG_FILE> --target=<TARGET_NAME>
yarn run declo dev <CONFIG_FILE> --target=<TARGET_NAME>